Mama with #Moxie
Hello! Welcome to Mama with #Moxie. Thanks for stopping by. This blog has been brewing in my brain for nearly 3 decades. 30 years that I have been a parent, learning lessons via the life train, usually the hard way.
If any of you are like me, there was a point in my life that I thought I had control. Before I knew it, a series of events had me spinning sort of out of control and just barely getting through the days.
Looking back now after 52 trips around the sun, I have a pile of experience in the mistake world. I learned from the book of life. I want to share all of the trials and lessons with you.
My goal is to build a community of women that support each other, that can lift each other up and help us get through the hardest of times and the greatest of times. We all have knowledge and skills to share. We have all fought battles and won or lost but, in each there was a lesson and lets share them with our community.